Saturday 23 October 2010

VARK Assessment

VARK Assessment
Charlie Conolly
Visual 7
Audio 3
Reading 3
Kinaesthetic 3

My VARK assessment results were of little surprise to me as my dyslexia makes reading and writing difficult. I am slightly surprised that my kinaesthetic score is low, as I find I enjoy learning though doing things and repeating them. My audio score is as expected since I struggle to take in long lectures, preferring short lectures with visual aids and hand outs.

The visual score came out the highest. I have always liked to see how things are done whether is a physical process (such as a sport) or a written process (such as maths) I like to see each part of the process and understand it before moving on to the next step.

The VARK assessment shows what my learning line has shown. During secondary school, I struggled with sitting in the class room, trying to learn through reading from the board. After I finished my GCSE's and left secondary school, I went on to do building which I did not enjoy. I quickly went into engineering, where I enjoyed making intricate precision component. I enjoyed learning about engineering because I can see how it works.

1 comment:

  1. Its interesting how the VARK can reinforce some things we believe we are and question other area's. It does give useful area for reflection!
