Monday 10 March 2014

Saturday 23 October 2010

my mentor

How my Mentor Helped
Charlie Conolly

My mentor is Steve Tebit he is a junior engineer at Huxley Bertrum. Steve started working for for the engineering firm when he was 16, sweeping and doing odd jobs after school. He was then taken on as a machinist shop apprentices and eventually moved up to become a junior engineer. Steve now designs and builds prototype machines for the company. The reason I have chosen Steve to be my mentor is I have an affinity with him and aspire to move up in the company in a similar way. Not only has Steve shown me the way to further my career he has repeatedly been a great help to me with my studies through ONC and now the degree course. The subjects that he helps with the most is maths and materials. Maths is some of the weaker subjects as I struggle with mental arithmetic. Steve is good at braking down an equation and making it easy to see how they work. He also has a lot of good experience working with different materials.

VARK Assessment

VARK Assessment
Charlie Conolly
Visual 7
Audio 3
Reading 3
Kinaesthetic 3

My VARK assessment results were of little surprise to me as my dyslexia makes reading and writing difficult. I am slightly surprised that my kinaesthetic score is low, as I find I enjoy learning though doing things and repeating them. My audio score is as expected since I struggle to take in long lectures, preferring short lectures with visual aids and hand outs.

The visual score came out the highest. I have always liked to see how things are done whether is a physical process (such as a sport) or a written process (such as maths) I like to see each part of the process and understand it before moving on to the next step.

The VARK assessment shows what my learning line has shown. During secondary school, I struggled with sitting in the class room, trying to learn through reading from the board. After I finished my GCSE's and left secondary school, I went on to do building which I did not enjoy. I quickly went into engineering, where I enjoyed making intricate precision component. I enjoyed learning about engineering because I can see how it works.

Thursday 7 October 2010


Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

  • Hard Working
  • Good relationships with work colleagues
  • Interested in the work i do
  • Lots of support from friends and family and work colleagues
  • Neat
  • Good mind for learning
  • Open to new thought processes
  • Good friends and family
  • Lots of fun hobbies
  • Open to new and old experiences

  • Time keeping
  • Gets distracted easily
  • I missplaces tools
  • Try to do too much at once
  • Extremely dyslexia
  • Time keeping (leaves everything till the last minute)
  • Do not allocate enough enough time to certain bits of work
  • Easily distracted by hobbies
  • Some times shy
  • Try to do to much at one time

  • Room for promotion
  • Good opportunity to see and find out about new techs
  • Work with a wide variety of different company
  • Good show case for my work
  • Learning new skills
  • Pushing myself
  • Helping me with my dyslexia
  • Meet new people
  • Trying new things
  • Reflection on what and how I have done things

  • Always being seen as an apprentice
  • Becoming too important in the workshop to move on to other areas (Eg being the only one capable of using cad/cam system and certain CNC machines)
  • Falling behind
  • Dyslexia
  • Danger of losing job and not being able to continue with my studies
  • Work commitments
  • Study commitments
  • Money commitments
  • Fitting all of the above with my social life and hobbies

Wednesday 22 September 2010